Follow Your Dreams....

Everyone always says, “Follow your dreams!” But not everyone does it. Life interjects, bills pile up, and sometimes we have to do jobs we don’t want to do just to make it through the day. These are the words from few popular figures.

"Don't you find it odd," she continued, "that when you're a kid, everyone, all the world, encourages you to follow your dreams. But when you're older, somehow they act offended if you even try."
― Ethan Hawke

"People who lack the clarity, courage, or determination to follow their own dreams will often find ways to discourage yours. Live your truth and don't EVER stop!"
― Steve Maraboli

"Love what you do and do what you love. Don't listen to anyone else who tells you not to do it. You do what you want, what you love. Imagination should be the center of your life."
― Ray Bradbury

"If you can’t believe in miracles, then believe in yourself. When you want something bad enough, let that drive push you to make it happen. Sometimes you’ll run into brick walls that are put there to test you. Find a way around them and stay focused on your dream. Where there’s a will, there’s a way."
― Isabel Lopez

"I have not always chosen the safest path. I've made my mistakes, plenty of them. I sometimes jump too soon and fail to appreciate the consequences. But I've learned something important along the way: I've learned to heed the call of my heart. I've learned that the safest path is not always the best path and I've learned that the voice of fear is not always to be trusted."
― Steve Goodier

"We may place blame, give reasons, and even have excuses; but in the end, it is an act of cowardice to not follow your dreams."
― Steve Maraboli

"So many people will tell you "no", and you need to find something you believe in so hard that you just smile and tell them ”watch me”. Learn to take rejection as motivation to prove people wrong. Be unstoppable. Refuse to give up, no matter what. It’s the best skill you can ever learn."
― Charlotte Eriksson

"You can get what you want or you can just get old."
― Billy Joel

However, there are a number of reasons to follow your dreams, to break the trend, and to live the life you’ve always wanted. Here they are below:

1. They make life worth living.

Your dreams are what can get you through even the worst days. If you are struggling, your dreams are your reason to keep going. They are why you wake up in the morning and try again. They are what makes your entire life worth living. Without our dreams, we are nothing.

2. You’ll meet other dream seekers.

When you are motivated and excited about pursuing your dreams, you’ll attract other people who have the same values and interests. The more you surround yourself with high achievers, the further you’ll go. Then, when times get tough, and it’s hard to keep going, your friends will motivate you to continue achieving.

3. You can be an inspiration to others.

If you decide to go and follow your dreams, you will give hope to others who want to do the same. You can serve as their example and their reason why they should give it a try. You can help them, coach them, and encourage them to keep going.

4. You can provide for your family.

When you are this motivated, it’s very hard to fail. If you are very set on your dreams, and you make sure that you can make an income along the way, you’ll be able to provide for your family. Some dreams take longer than others to achieve, but that’s what makes the end goal so worth it.

5. Working in a job you hate makes the days go slowly.

Why should you work in a job you hate? You’ll count the clock, you won’t do as well, and you’ll dread waking up in the morning. Instead, pursue your dreams! Get excited about your day, and enjoy the process of doing what you love.

6. Because no one is going to follow them for you.

Let’s face it: no one else is going to pursue your dreams for you. Everyone has their own dreams and their own goals for what they want to achieve in life. If you don’t go for it, no one else will.

7. So that you can finally be happy.

Life without dreams is depressing. Search far and wide for yours, and make a promise to yourself that you will start pursuing them. Once you get on the path towards your goal, you will notice a distinct change in how you feel.

8. To prove them wrong.

All of us have been around people who told us our dreams weren’t possible. Let that add fuel to your fire. Think about all the people who said it would never happen, and go out and prove them wrong.

9. It will make your parents proud.

Sometimes parents don’t always understand our dreams or they try to sway us towards a particular one. However, if you are adamant about your dreams, and you work hard to achieve them, your parents have no reason not to be proud of you.

10. It will make YOU proud.

Even better than making your parents proud, you will be proud of yourself! Your confidence will rise, and you’ll enjoy the excitement and the adrenaline that comes with doing something you’ve always wanted to do.

11. You only live once.

Life is short. Our days are numbered, so why spend them doing something we don’t love? It’s time to make a decision to go for it.

I’m in! Are you?

How To Keep Going And Achieve Your Dreams

"It is possible, you can always achieve your dreams no matter what", to be able to get out of bed and do what you love for the rest of the day is beyond words.

Instead of realizing their dreams, too many people never get started, too busy, instead listing all the reasons why they cannot achieve their dreams.

Things like:

1.    I do not have enough money.
2.    I’m not talented.
3.    I do not have enough knowledge.
4.    I do not have enough experience.
5.    I have failed many times in the past.
6.    I’m not lucky.
7.    Who I am to dream of making such an impact.
8.    …and so on.

They defeat themselves before they even get started!

This is not what you deserve.

Vision is the spectacular that inspires us to carry out the mundane.” Chris Widener .Can achievement be broken down into steps? Well, it isn’t always that clean and easy, but I do know that those who achieve great things usually go through much of the same process, with many of the items listed below as part of that process. So if you have been struggling with achievement, look through the following and internalize the thoughts presented. Then begin to apply them. You will be on the road to achieving your dream!

1. Dream it - 

Everything begins in the heart and mind. Every great achievement began in the mind of one person. They dared to dream, to believe that it was possible. Take some time to allow yourself to ask “What if?” Think big. Don’t let negative thinking discourage you. You want to be a “dreamer.” Dream of the possibilities for yourself, your family, and for others. If you had a dream that you let grow cold, re-ignite the dream! Fan the flames. Life is to short to let it go. (Also, check out my article “Dare to Dream Again,” Which has been read by close to a million people in the last 4 months alone. You can see it at the website.)

2. Believe it – 

Yes, your dream needs to be big. It needs to be something that is seemingly beyond your capabilities. But it also must be believable. You must be able to say that if certain things take place, if others help, if you work hard enough, though it is a big dream, it can still be done. Good example: A person with no college education can dream that he will build a 50 million-dollar a year company. That is big, but believable. Bad example: That a 90 year-old woman with arthritis will someday run a marathon in under 3 hours. It is big alright, but also impossible. She should instead focus on building a 50 million-dollar a year business! And she better get a move on!

3. See it - 

The great achievers have a habit. They “see” things. They picture themselves walking around their CEO office in their new 25 million-dollar corporate headquarters, even while they are sitting on a folding chair in their garage “headquarters.” Great free-throw shooters in the NBA picture the ball going through the basket. PGA golfers picture the ball going straight down the fairway. World-class speakers picture themselves speaking with energy and emotion. All of this grooms the mind to control the body to carry out the dream.

4. Tell it - 

One reason many dreams never go anywhere is because the dreamer keeps it all to himself. It is a quiet dream that only lives inside of his mind. The one who wants to achieve their dream must tell that dream to many people. One reason: As we continually say it, we begin to believe it more and more. If we are talking about it then it must be possible. Another reason: It holds us accountable. When we have told others, it spurs us on to actually do it so we don’t look foolish.

5. Plan it - 

Every dream must take the form of a plan. The old saying that you “get what you plan for” is so true. Your dream won’t just happen. You need to sit down, on a regular basis, and plan out your strategy for achieving the dream. Think through all of the details. Break the whole plan down into small, workable parts. Then set a time frame for accomplishing each task on your “dream plan.”

6. Work it - 

Boy, wouldn’t life be grand if we could quit before this one! Unfortunately the successful are usually the hardest workers. While the rest of the world is sitting on their couch watching re-runs of Gilligan’s Island, achievers are working on their goal – achieving their dream. I have an equation that I work with: Your short-term tasks, multiplied by time, equal your long-term accomplishments. If you work on it each day, eventually you will achieve your dream. War and Peace was written, in longhand, page by page.

7. Enjoy it – 

When you have reached your goal and you are living your dream, be sure to enjoy it. In fact, enjoy the trip too. Give yourself some rewards along the way. Give yourself a huge reward when you get there. Help others enjoy it. Be gracious and generous. Use your dream to better others. Then go back to number 1. And dream a little bigger this time!

Key Mind Set....

 All human beings are born with gifts and talents that are unique to them. All of us have something that we can share with the world that would give us all of the success we desire.

What minimizes our greatness is not having the appropriate Mindset to accomplish what we want to do.

It is the Mindset that determines your thinking and your thinking determines the actions that you take. The actions you take unlock your true Greatness.

Do you ever wonder why some very smart people don’t live up to their potential? Maybe you yourself need to unlock your potential? It may come down to  mindset or mental attitude, which can be more important for success than IQ.

Mindset is “an established set of attitudes held by someone,” says the Oxford American Dictionary. It turns out, however, that a set of attitudes needn’t be so set, according to Carol Dweck, professor of psychology at Stanford.

Dweck proposes in Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, (2006) that everyone has either a fixed mindset or a growth mindset.
  • A fixed mindset is one in which you view your talents and abilities as… well, fixed. In other words, you are who you are, your intelligence and talents are fixed, and your fate is to go through life avoiding challenge and failure.
  • A growth mindset, on the other hand, is one in which you see yourself as fluid, a work in progress. Your fate is one of growth and opportunity.
Which mindset do you possess? Dweck, an expert in motivation and personality psychology , has discovered in more than 20 years of research that our mindset is not just a minor personality quirk. It creates our whole mental worldview and determines whether we become optimistic or pessimistic. It shapes our goals and attitudes toward work and relationships, and it ultimately predicts whether we fulfill our potential.

Dweck provides a checklist to assess yourself and shows how a particular mindset can affect all areas of your life, from business to sports and love.


Which mindset do you have about your own intelligence?

1.    Your intelligence is something very basic that cannot change much.
2.    You can learn new things, but you can’t really change how intelligent you are.
3.    No matter how intelligent you are, you can always improve.
4.    You can substantially change how intelligent you are.

Statements 1 and 2 reflect closed-mindset thinking.

Statements 3 and 4 indicate an open mindset.

Where do you fall on the spectrum? You can fall somewhere in the middle, but most people lean in one direction.

Don’t get disappointed, mindsets are not set: at any time, you can learn to use a growth mindset to achieve success and happiness.

Sasi About Visu Academy

Bhargav Lenin About Visu Academy