Few Techniques to Learn GRE Words & Vocabulary

While preparing GRE, vocabulary study is very often complained as tough by many students. Here, following some tricks and techniques can turn this vocabulary study easy for all. Some of those tricks and techniques are:

Techniques for learning GRE words/terms

  1. Music and songs are very good at connecting well with our mind. It is a better technique to replace your learning new words into your favorite songs and this will help as better memorizing and better understanding of that new word in a way you will never forget it.

  2. Hearing is another better technique in this context. You can try this through searching that word in YouTube videos. These videos with that word will enhance its contextual value for you and these videos hearing with that word will keep it in memory intact for you.

  3. How to apply university admission with Low GRE Score ??.

  4. Flashcards at the gym will be another interesting trick to create wonders with your vocabulary study. The way you repeat each exercise for the perfection at the gym, add it with your learning words repetition too. While body is moving well through exercises keeps your brain more active. So, vocabulary reading added with exercise will enhance your command on that word at the same time keeping it well in your memory too.

  5. Using Google image search is another bet technique here to imprint a new word permanently within your memory lane. When you search a new word on Google through image search will result into many graphical representations. This graphical representation will always be successful to imprint a new word and its contextual meaning permanent over the brain.

  6. Writing is nowadays very much neglected or ignored by many of us. But, it is a best practice to remember a new word. Try to frame a sentence on each and every new word learned in the vocabulary study. This sentence framed by you on own will result into perfect memory for you on that new word.
There are definitely so many other similar ways you can invent and practice in your daily routine to learn GRE words perfectly well.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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